Thursday, February 25, 2010

Am I running a RACE that won't win??? Racism and Stereotyping

As many of you may know I am a very opionated person and I am passionate about everything i say. I write my blogs so that I can share my input about how I view life so people may see it from a different angle. I would like to repeat this is my opinion, everyone elses opinions are welcome whether they be opposing or agreeing.

I would first like to say that I am a strong Black woman and I am not defined by race. I am very proud of my race and I do not let it hinder me or belittle me in any way.

1. Confusion...As you may notice I introduced myself as "a strong Black woman". I refer to myself as Black instead of African-American because I feel I am technically not African-American. An African-American is a person born in Africa that came to America and got their citizenship. I was not born in Africa nor have I ever visited (though I would love to), I was born in America..thus making me American. While my ancestors may have been African-Americans, the children they had on American land are American children.

2. Racism...I would like to make it clear that racism is not only White and Black, it involves all races. I feel racism is wrong and ignorant, however I can't change people's mind or heart about the subject. I refuse to be let down because of my skin color. Racism is a one-sided issue...people don't want it to happen to them but they are always willing to dish it out themselves. Race should not matter in 2010 at all, and yet people are still being denied jobs,education, and being harrased because of this issue. This is wrong and it is truly sad to see that America has not grown enough to see that this is stupid.

3. One drop rule...The one drop rule implies that if a person is White and Black (bi-racial) they are still considered Black (White+Black=Black). An example of this is President Obama, he is bi-racial, both White and Black, however people consider him to be Black. I don't think that a bi-racial person should have to choose which race they want to be more dominating over the other or which one they want to be called. The one drop rule should not exist anymore, a bi-racial person is a bi-racial person. I would hate to have to choose one box out of multiple that reads Black, White, Indian, Chinese, or Other, if I were bi-racial. They often expect them to check Other, they are not Other, if they clearly see two boxes that describe them.

4. Stereotypes...Stereotyping is going to be the death of America. While it may be hard to even notice that you are stereotyping, a lot of people do it. We can not continue to judge people before we know them and expect them to be happy with our projection. According to a few stereotypes I've heard, I have multiple children, on welfare, and probably didn't graduate high school, none of this is true. And yet, someone can go around making these hurtful assumptions that can often ruin a persons' career, education, or even just their reputation. Sterotyping can be postive or negative but in the end it is judging a person based on membership in a group. I am in a lot of groups, and I wish to not be judged! get to know a person before you make assumptions.

I am very proud of being a Black woman in America. I am not afraid to say that i am Black and I don't let that change anything about me. I actually feel better being Black, because my people overcame and showed strength that some people may not be able to carry. My race shows me that I do not have to be the little man or be put down, that I can start at the bottom and work my way to the top.

I am not asking any of you to agree with what I said. I am just asking that you take what I say into consideration. I know I can not stop racism, but I know I can stop myself from being that way. I just ask that everyone start with themselves and maybe people will see it and grow with you. Please feel free to comment, I really would love feedback about how people feel on the subject.

-Robin Ponton

Monday, July 27, 2009

WAT is da difference between a child and a man or woman???

The reason I am writing this note is because obviously I been seeing enough crap to want to speak on it. I'm tired of boys claiming to be men and girls claiming to be women! There is a difference, a huge one at that! If you get offended by this, Im not shouldn't take everything so personal. This is my opinion, I would appreciate other opinions!

Well to start off I would like to speak on these GIRLS that feel like just because they are having sex they are a woman! This is very upsetting seeing that a lot of girls are getting pregnant at very young ages and aren't able to handle the responsibilities of being a mother. A WOMAN would wait until she's ready to have sex and when she does, she's protected so that she doesn't get knocked.

A girl wouldn't know how to handle anyone telling her NO! She's cries and throw tantrums. A woman would suck that shit up and do for her damn self.

A boy thinks that his dick is bigger because he has a gun! He think he has a an extra muscle growing that can protect him at all times. This is even more upsetting because a lot of the times, these boys don't get to even see or understand what a man is. A man can use his fist in any altercation and still beat your ass. His extra muscle actually comes from working out.

A boy would get upset with a female and the first word out his mouth would be "BITCH"! A man would be able handle the situation without calling the girl out of her name. A girl would let a boy call her "BITCH", a woman would smack his ass and show exactly what a bitch is.

A boy thinks that he can make a career from selling drugs his whole life. A man would think of his family and decide to go to school and get degrees! A girl would get pregnant and stop all her dreams. A woman put her child in daycare and go to school and work to make sure that baby has everything it needs.

A boy would take a girls virginity and find out she's pregnant then leave her. A man would start doing double shifts once he found out and start helping his baby.

A boy hits a female. A man doesn't. period
A girl lets a man hit on her. A woman beat the living shit out of him!

There are so many boys claming to be a man, you have to fit the criteria to be a man! Too many girls wanting to be a woman, don't grow up too fast! The sooner people teach their kids that your not a man just because your dick is bigger and your not a woman just because you got titties, the world would be a little easier. Basically, all I'm saying is act like you got some home training. Stop acting like fools and people won't treat you like one!


Friday, June 26, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Joseph Jackson

Rest In Peace Michael Jackson
The death of Michael Jackson was very unexpected and upsetting. I had to be one of his biggest fans ever! I honestly was in love with Michael, his style, and his music! I cried so hard as I found out he passed. But as I cried, I thought about the horrible way people treated him while he was here and figured he was in a better place now. I grew up listening to Michael and copying evey move he made, I am truly inspired him and everything he was for! I love u Michael Jackson and I will never forget everything you brought to this world! R.I.P. Michael Jospeph Jackson 1958-2009
***From one your many number one fans, Robin Ponton***

Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms

The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Maya Angelou

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Once again this is my opinion on things I see around me!!! These are a few things that bother me and I would like to just put them on the table!!!!

Well I know plenty of people who just fight for the fun of it..why I have no clue??While I can say I rather people fight( guns or knifes) than kill each other but I honestly feel like it solves nothing. People get so geeked up about a fight like they are Muhamad Ali or something and get they ass beat. I often wonder why people fight and think they are solving something. All your doing is making yourself mad and scrathing your face up. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't defend yourself or if you just really need to..beat someones ass. But I just feel like fighting shouldn't always be the first thing you think of when trying to solve an issue.

Does that piece of metal make you feel any tougher???Why is it that people feel like once they have a gun they are bigger? Lately there have been plenty of shootings and a lot of teens who have died from bullets. I think what a lot of gun holders don't remember is that bullets don't have a name. And even then, why go as far to kill someone over dumb things such as money or drugs. I've seen plenty of males heads get big after they put thier hands on that piece of metal..knowing damn well without the metal they were a punk..and with the metal they are even more of a punk because an object is taking care of thier business. The shootings need to stop! Retaliation needs to stop! Stupidity needs to stop!

Haha I love this subject! Do you really love where you live that much?? Your really willing to risk your life over a name/title you because you live in a certain area??? Now the funny part about gangs and sets is that they go hard for where they live but most of the people "going hard" don't even own a home in the neighborhood! I seriously feel like if gangs are going to exist then renters can not join! I mean your really shooting people and fighting over this place and you may be evicted tomorrow! Another reason AI would like to address gangs is for the simple fact that we are losing more and more males and some females to this stupidity. We should be helping each other out and trying to get out the "hoods" not trying to fight and kill to stay in them...and then blame "the man" for you being there! Seriously, the whole gang thing is pretty corny now and needs to end!

This is something that has been on my mind for a may not agree with everything I said, and I'm not asking you to. I'm just letting the world know how Muff feels about some of the things I see that bother me. I just feel like no one should have to be worried about their child when they leave for school in other neighborhoods. No mother or father should have to bury their child! The violence needs to stop!


The things i write are not about one specific person but they are about a few things I see that just bother me...if you are touched in any way by this maybe you just need ta change...just a little lol

How is it that a person can say they love someone but be obsessed with someone else...if you love someone you should be obsessed with only that person. This also has to do with people who are so "in love" meaning once thier loved one is away they are on someone else until the other person comes back...THAT'S NOT LOVE...THAT'S PURE LONELINESS!!

Another thing I would like to address is all those girls who love to talk shit on how great they dress and where they shop at...That's nice in all but please don't lie!!! I think it's so funny how people talk about people shopping at Rainbow when I caught plenty of females shopping there when I worked there...and yes they were on that sales rack lol

I absolutely hate how people change so much in one lifetime...Be yourself! Muffin always been Muffin and was still able to mature! Why try to fit in with the crowd when thats not really your personality??? Some people can't be the thug or Ms.'s just not you...So stop trying! That would make you FAKE!!!

The last thing that bothers me is the word CAN'T...i hate wen people say they can't do something..almost everything is possible with discipline and hard work! when you say can't, behind it your really thinking "I'm scared" or "I won't"!! Replace "can't" with "will" or "can"!!! Don't make excuses becasue the world don't have time for it!!! Seriously!!!!

This is the end!!! Just a little of what's been on my mind! Like I said previously, this is not about one specific person and I hope no one gets offended by's jus MY opinion!!!