Thursday, June 25, 2009

Once again this is my opinion on things I see around me!!! These are a few things that bother me and I would like to just put them on the table!!!!

Well I know plenty of people who just fight for the fun of it..why I have no clue??While I can say I rather people fight( guns or knifes) than kill each other but I honestly feel like it solves nothing. People get so geeked up about a fight like they are Muhamad Ali or something and get they ass beat. I often wonder why people fight and think they are solving something. All your doing is making yourself mad and scrathing your face up. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't defend yourself or if you just really need to..beat someones ass. But I just feel like fighting shouldn't always be the first thing you think of when trying to solve an issue.

Does that piece of metal make you feel any tougher???Why is it that people feel like once they have a gun they are bigger? Lately there have been plenty of shootings and a lot of teens who have died from bullets. I think what a lot of gun holders don't remember is that bullets don't have a name. And even then, why go as far to kill someone over dumb things such as money or drugs. I've seen plenty of males heads get big after they put thier hands on that piece of metal..knowing damn well without the metal they were a punk..and with the metal they are even more of a punk because an object is taking care of thier business. The shootings need to stop! Retaliation needs to stop! Stupidity needs to stop!

Haha I love this subject! Do you really love where you live that much?? Your really willing to risk your life over a name/title you because you live in a certain area??? Now the funny part about gangs and sets is that they go hard for where they live but most of the people "going hard" don't even own a home in the neighborhood! I seriously feel like if gangs are going to exist then renters can not join! I mean your really shooting people and fighting over this place and you may be evicted tomorrow! Another reason AI would like to address gangs is for the simple fact that we are losing more and more males and some females to this stupidity. We should be helping each other out and trying to get out the "hoods" not trying to fight and kill to stay in them...and then blame "the man" for you being there! Seriously, the whole gang thing is pretty corny now and needs to end!

This is something that has been on my mind for a may not agree with everything I said, and I'm not asking you to. I'm just letting the world know how Muff feels about some of the things I see that bother me. I just feel like no one should have to be worried about their child when they leave for school in other neighborhoods. No mother or father should have to bury their child! The violence needs to stop!

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