Thursday, June 25, 2009


The things i write are not about one specific person but they are about a few things I see that just bother me...if you are touched in any way by this maybe you just need ta change...just a little lol

How is it that a person can say they love someone but be obsessed with someone else...if you love someone you should be obsessed with only that person. This also has to do with people who are so "in love" meaning once thier loved one is away they are on someone else until the other person comes back...THAT'S NOT LOVE...THAT'S PURE LONELINESS!!

Another thing I would like to address is all those girls who love to talk shit on how great they dress and where they shop at...That's nice in all but please don't lie!!! I think it's so funny how people talk about people shopping at Rainbow when I caught plenty of females shopping there when I worked there...and yes they were on that sales rack lol

I absolutely hate how people change so much in one lifetime...Be yourself! Muffin always been Muffin and was still able to mature! Why try to fit in with the crowd when thats not really your personality??? Some people can't be the thug or Ms.'s just not you...So stop trying! That would make you FAKE!!!

The last thing that bothers me is the word CAN'T...i hate wen people say they can't do something..almost everything is possible with discipline and hard work! when you say can't, behind it your really thinking "I'm scared" or "I won't"!! Replace "can't" with "will" or "can"!!! Don't make excuses becasue the world don't have time for it!!! Seriously!!!!

This is the end!!! Just a little of what's been on my mind! Like I said previously, this is not about one specific person and I hope no one gets offended by's jus MY opinion!!!

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