Monday, July 27, 2009

WAT is da difference between a child and a man or woman???

The reason I am writing this note is because obviously I been seeing enough crap to want to speak on it. I'm tired of boys claiming to be men and girls claiming to be women! There is a difference, a huge one at that! If you get offended by this, Im not shouldn't take everything so personal. This is my opinion, I would appreciate other opinions!

Well to start off I would like to speak on these GIRLS that feel like just because they are having sex they are a woman! This is very upsetting seeing that a lot of girls are getting pregnant at very young ages and aren't able to handle the responsibilities of being a mother. A WOMAN would wait until she's ready to have sex and when she does, she's protected so that she doesn't get knocked.

A girl wouldn't know how to handle anyone telling her NO! She's cries and throw tantrums. A woman would suck that shit up and do for her damn self.

A boy thinks that his dick is bigger because he has a gun! He think he has a an extra muscle growing that can protect him at all times. This is even more upsetting because a lot of the times, these boys don't get to even see or understand what a man is. A man can use his fist in any altercation and still beat your ass. His extra muscle actually comes from working out.

A boy would get upset with a female and the first word out his mouth would be "BITCH"! A man would be able handle the situation without calling the girl out of her name. A girl would let a boy call her "BITCH", a woman would smack his ass and show exactly what a bitch is.

A boy thinks that he can make a career from selling drugs his whole life. A man would think of his family and decide to go to school and get degrees! A girl would get pregnant and stop all her dreams. A woman put her child in daycare and go to school and work to make sure that baby has everything it needs.

A boy would take a girls virginity and find out she's pregnant then leave her. A man would start doing double shifts once he found out and start helping his baby.

A boy hits a female. A man doesn't. period
A girl lets a man hit on her. A woman beat the living shit out of him!

There are so many boys claming to be a man, you have to fit the criteria to be a man! Too many girls wanting to be a woman, don't grow up too fast! The sooner people teach their kids that your not a man just because your dick is bigger and your not a woman just because you got titties, the world would be a little easier. Basically, all I'm saying is act like you got some home training. Stop acting like fools and people won't treat you like one!


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