Thursday, February 25, 2010

Am I running a RACE that won't win??? Racism and Stereotyping

As many of you may know I am a very opionated person and I am passionate about everything i say. I write my blogs so that I can share my input about how I view life so people may see it from a different angle. I would like to repeat this is my opinion, everyone elses opinions are welcome whether they be opposing or agreeing.

I would first like to say that I am a strong Black woman and I am not defined by race. I am very proud of my race and I do not let it hinder me or belittle me in any way.

1. Confusion...As you may notice I introduced myself as "a strong Black woman". I refer to myself as Black instead of African-American because I feel I am technically not African-American. An African-American is a person born in Africa that came to America and got their citizenship. I was not born in Africa nor have I ever visited (though I would love to), I was born in America..thus making me American. While my ancestors may have been African-Americans, the children they had on American land are American children.

2. Racism...I would like to make it clear that racism is not only White and Black, it involves all races. I feel racism is wrong and ignorant, however I can't change people's mind or heart about the subject. I refuse to be let down because of my skin color. Racism is a one-sided issue...people don't want it to happen to them but they are always willing to dish it out themselves. Race should not matter in 2010 at all, and yet people are still being denied jobs,education, and being harrased because of this issue. This is wrong and it is truly sad to see that America has not grown enough to see that this is stupid.

3. One drop rule...The one drop rule implies that if a person is White and Black (bi-racial) they are still considered Black (White+Black=Black). An example of this is President Obama, he is bi-racial, both White and Black, however people consider him to be Black. I don't think that a bi-racial person should have to choose which race they want to be more dominating over the other or which one they want to be called. The one drop rule should not exist anymore, a bi-racial person is a bi-racial person. I would hate to have to choose one box out of multiple that reads Black, White, Indian, Chinese, or Other, if I were bi-racial. They often expect them to check Other, they are not Other, if they clearly see two boxes that describe them.

4. Stereotypes...Stereotyping is going to be the death of America. While it may be hard to even notice that you are stereotyping, a lot of people do it. We can not continue to judge people before we know them and expect them to be happy with our projection. According to a few stereotypes I've heard, I have multiple children, on welfare, and probably didn't graduate high school, none of this is true. And yet, someone can go around making these hurtful assumptions that can often ruin a persons' career, education, or even just their reputation. Sterotyping can be postive or negative but in the end it is judging a person based on membership in a group. I am in a lot of groups, and I wish to not be judged! get to know a person before you make assumptions.

I am very proud of being a Black woman in America. I am not afraid to say that i am Black and I don't let that change anything about me. I actually feel better being Black, because my people overcame and showed strength that some people may not be able to carry. My race shows me that I do not have to be the little man or be put down, that I can start at the bottom and work my way to the top.

I am not asking any of you to agree with what I said. I am just asking that you take what I say into consideration. I know I can not stop racism, but I know I can stop myself from being that way. I just ask that everyone start with themselves and maybe people will see it and grow with you. Please feel free to comment, I really would love feedback about how people feel on the subject.

-Robin Ponton